Was this surgery recommended by your doctor? Some important information are summarized here about preparation for an arthroscopic knee surgery, steps of the interventions and details of the postoperative care. Arthroscopic surgery is currently one of the most advanced interventions in medicine, it helps treating knee joint problems and may improve mobility significantly.
Arthroscopic surgery
Parts of a joint
Joints are found at the connection area of two or more bones, where the bone ends are covered by cartilage to provide smooth movement. Joints are stabilised and supported by ligaments around them. Movement of the joints are controlled by muscles and tendons that are attached to the bones outside the area of joints.
About arthroscopic surgeries
Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical intervention mainly used for diagnosis and treatment of joint problems. During the intervention, a small camera (arthroscope) is inserted into the joint, which allows examination of the joint from the inside and performing different interventions using surgical instruments. When might this kind of surgery be necessary?
- Ligament tear: Ligament injuries, such as cruciate ligament tears cause instability and pain in the joint.
- Cartilage injury: Wear or injury of the cartilages causing pain and joint stiffness.
Arthritis: Inflammation within the joint causing chronic pain and swelling. - Joint instability: Hypermobility or looseness of the joint that may cause instability or pain in the joint.
- Meniscus injury: Injury of the meniscus (a cartilage) found in the knee joint that may cause pain and knee locking.
- Loose bodies in the joint: Small pieces of bone or cartilage inside the joint that may cause pain and limited mobility.
Answers from the doctor – What is an arthroscopic knee surgery?
How are arthroscopic surgeries performed?
More information
How to prepare for surgery?
Even though arthroscopy is a routine intervention, the patient should have previous evaluations for safety reasons (such as laboratory and urine testing, and internal medicinal or other consultations, if necessary). The patient may have a light dinner before the intervention, but even fluid consumption is prohibited after midnight – except when they take their regular medicines with a sip of water.
The patient need to have someone to take them home after the surgery, and have to prepare their home to help their recovery.
What to do after an laparoscopic surgery?
Postoperatively, on the day of the surgery (if the intervention was performed in the morning; or the next morning, if it was in the afternoon), the patient is able to sit on the side of the bed, stand up and start rehabilitation exercises with the help of a physiotherapist. The operated leg may be loaded until painful, using an aid (usually a pair of elbow crutches).
Hospitalisation usually lasts for 3 or 4 days, and removal of surgical stitches is performed 10 to 14 days after the surgery. Patients need to continue their physiotherapy and rehabilitation exercises at home.
What are the advantages of an arthroscopic surgery?
The advantages of an arthroscopic surgery include smaller incisions, quicker recovery, less pain and less scarring. Also, patients can resume their everyday tasks and their jobs sooner.
What are the risks of this surgery?
An arthroscopic surgery is less invasive than traditional surgeries, however, it still involves some risks. These include infections, bleeding, joint stiffness and surgical complications, such as injury to the tissues and nerves.
Who is a candidate for an arthroscopic surgery?
Arthroscopic surgery is recommended for patients with joint problems, such as ligament tear, cartilage injury or other joint conditions. The candidates have a good general health and are capable to react well to postoperative rehabilitation. The treating physician decides whether it is the most appropriate intervention for a given patient, according to prior tests and opinion of an anaesthesiologist.
Premium environment – Introducing our Clinic and wards
Have a look at our photo gallery, where you can get an insight into the modern wards at our Clinic and the comfortable environment we offer our patients. These photos show our state-of-the-art equipment, which facilitates faster recovery and more efficient rehabilitation. Take a virtual tour of our wards and become acquainted with the conditions that contribute to the high-level care and recovery of our patients.
Our doctors performing these surgeries:
- Pelvis injuries
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Treatment of knee injuries
- Knee and hip replacements
- Knee and hip TEP revision
- Arthroscopy (knee (meniscus)/shoulder)
- BTB plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- LCA plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- Corrective bone surgical procedures (e.g. Tomofix)
- Major bone replacement surgery
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Removal of soft tissue tumours (e.g. cysts, ganglions on leg)
- Bunion osteotomy
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- German
- Hand surgery and microsurgery
- Treatment of knee injuries
- Knee and hip replacements
- Knee and hip TEP revision
- Arthroscopy (knee (meniscus)/shoulder)
- BTB plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- LCA plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- Corrective bone surgical procedures (e.g. Tomofix)
- Major bone replacement surgery
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Removal of soft tissue tumours (e.g. cysts, ganglions on leg)
- Bunion osteotomy
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Examination and treatment of knee surgical problems
- Performing minimally invasive arthroscopic surgical procedures
- Knee ligament replacement
- Prosthetic knee interventions
- Examination and treatment of sports surgery problems
- LCA plastic surgery
- Metal removal
The aim is to provide professional traumatology care to patients and achieve maximum patient satisfaction.
Language skills
- English
- German
- Examination and treatment of musculoskeletal and joint diseases
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Shoulder arthroscopy
- Knee arthroscopy
- Collarbone surgery
- Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
- Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
- Tennis elbow surgery
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Serbian
- Croatian
- German
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Shoulder arthroscopy
- Collarbone surgery
- Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
- Tennis elbow surgery
- Traumatology specialist care
- Arthroscopia
- Korrekciós csontműtétek
- Nagy csontegyesítő műtétek
- Térdprotézis
- Csípőprotézis
- Keresztszalag plasztika BTB
- Térd és csípő TEP revízió
- Fémeltávolítás altatásban (csavar eltávolítás)
- Fémeltávolítás altatásban (lemez eltávolítás)
- Lágyrésztumor eltávolítás helyi érzéstelenítésben
- Lágyrésztumor eltávolítás altatásban
- Saját vér terápia (PRP)
- Optivisc Single ízületi infiltráció (1 ízület)
- Optivisc Single ízületi infiltráció (2 ízület)
- Kortizon infiltráció
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- German
- English
Dr. Zoltán Tóth
- Perifériás idegek sérülései
- Plexus brachialis sebészete
- Fogásjavító eljárások
- Rheumás kéz sebészete
- Trauma utáni helyreállító műtétek
- Kéz kisízületi protézisek
- Tunnel szindrómák
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Knee surgery
- Examination and treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal and joint diseases
- Examination and treatment of knee, hip, leg, shoulder, and spine pain, injuries, inflammation, and other complaints
Specialist services:
Paediatric and adult orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English
- German
- Orthopaedic examinations
- Articular cartilage examinations
- Arthrosis treatment
- Screening and treatment (including surgical) of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal disorders in children
- Hip screening
- Hyaluronic acid injection treatment
- Lifestyle consultancy for musculoskeletal disorders
- Treatment of sports accidents and injuries
- Aftercare of old injuries and sprains
- Treatment of tennis and golfer’s elbow
- Treatment of lumbar and lumbar spine problems
- Arthritis anti-inflammatory injections
- Knee and hip joint endoprosthesis implantation
- Arthroscopic knee surgical procedures
- Leg and foot surgery
Language skills
- English
- German
- Orthopaedic examinations
- Articular cartilage examinations
- Arthrosis treatment
- Hip screening
- Lifestyle consultancy for musculoskeletal disorders
- Aftercare of old injuries and sprains
- Treatment of lumbar and lumbar spine problems
- Arthritis anti-inflammatory injections
- Knee and hip joint endoprosthesis implantation
- Arthroscopic knee surgical procedures
- Leg and foot surgery
- Examination and treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal and joint diseases
- Examination and treatment of knee, hip, leg, shoulder, and spine pain, injuries, inflammation, and other complaints
- Knee and hip replacement surgical procedures
- Diagnosis, treatment, and, if necessary, surgery of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders
- Hip replacement – implantation and replacement
- Knee replacement – implantation and replacement
- Knee arthroscopy for the treatment of meniscus and cartilage injuries
- Correction of forefoot deformities (bunions, hammer toe, etc.)
- Other lower limb bone and soft tissue surgery (removal of bone tumours, ganglions, etc.)
Specialist services:
Orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Spanish
- Diagnosis, treatment, and, if necessary, surgery of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders
- Hip replacement – implantation and replacement
- Knee replacement – implantation and replacement
- Knee arthroscopy for the treatment of meniscus and cartilage injuries
- Correction of forefoot deformities (bunions, hammer toe, etc.)
- Other lower limb bone and soft tissue surgery (removal of bone tumours, ganglions, etc.)
Specialist services:
Orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Orthopaedic examinations
- Infant hip screening
- Assessment and treatment of paediatric orthopaedic diseases
- Assessment and treatment of scoliosis in children (scoliosis, Scheuermann's disease)
- Osteoarthritis, arthrosis
- Hip and knee replacements
- Treatment of arthrosis and hip and knee joint inflammations
- Treatment of tennis and golfer’s elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome
- Treatment of sports accidents and injuries
- Examination of articular cartilage wear and cartilage and meniscus injuries
- Medial meniscus injuries
- Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee
- Injuries to knee ligaments and tendons
- Tear of the anterior cruciate ligament
- Aftercare of old injuries and sprains
- Lifestyle consultancy for musculoskeletal disorders
- Treatment of lumbar and lumbar spine problems
- Bunion osteotomy
Specialist services:
- Joint and limb bone complaints, inflammations, abrasions, and arthroses
- Limb pain
Language skills
- English
- Orthopaedic examinations
- Ízületi porckopás, artrózis kivizsgálása és kezelése
- Csípőprotézis beültetés
- Térdprotézis beültetés
- Artroszkópos térdműtétek
- Correction of forefoot deformities (bunions, hammer toe, etc.)
- Other lower limb bone and soft tissue surgery (removal of bone tumours, ganglions, etc.)
- Gyermek ortopédiai betegségek szűrése, kezelése és műtéti ellátása
- Infant hip screening
- Hialuronsavas injekció kúra, ízületi gyulladáscsökkentő injekciók beadása
- Mozgásszervi betegségek életviteli tanácsadás
- Treatment of lumbar and lumbar spine problems
Specialist services:
Orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Térd protézis beültetés
- Csípő protézis beültetés
- Térdízületi arthroscopia
- Bütyök, kalapácsujj korrekciós műtétei és egyéb ellátása
- Csont kinövések, ganglionok eltávolítása
- Carpalis alagút szindróma kezelése
- Teniszkönyök, golfkönyök, sarkantyú kezelése
- Infant hip screening
- Gyermekkori lúdtalp, gerincferdülés szűrése
Specialist services:
Orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English
- German
- Térd- és csípőízületi endoprotézis beültetése
Specialist services:
Orthopaedic specialist care
Language skills
- English

About our clinic
Mediversal Egészségügyi Szolgáltató Kft. is a private healthcare facility owned entirely by the University of Szeged. Thanks to our unique clinical background, the outpatient and inpatient care we provide and the laboratory and imaging diagnostics we offer are performed by internationally renowned specialists in their fields who are at the forefront of research and innovation, supported by highly experienced staff. In addition to the excellent professional staff, our well-equipped facilities, quality hotel services, and, first and foremost, the customer-centric, personalised care we provide guarantee a complete healing experience.
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