Backed by the University of Szeged

A full range of services in Szeged

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+36 70 439 2188

+36 62 342 188

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Customer service hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 16:00 pm
  • Saturdays to Sundays: closed
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Cash desk hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 15:30 pm
  • Saturdays to Sundays: closed
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Kibővített nőgyógyászati szolgáltatások új helyszínen

Új szakorvosokkal, kiszélesített szolgáltatásokkal és új szűrőcsomagokkal várjuk megújult helyszínen.


Bariatric surgeries

Testsúlycsökkentő bariátriai beavatkozások, melyek az elhízás kezelésének egyik legeredményesebb módjai.


Unparalleled expertise and a scientific background.

Outpatient treatment

All examinations that can be performed in outpatient care take place at the Clinic Park. For the most part, our specialists at the outpatient clinic personally participate in any hospital treatments and surgical interventions.


Hospital inpatient care

Magánegészségügyi szolgáltatóként saját osztályunkon 31 ágyon kínálunk gyógyulási lehetőséget privát pácienseink számára, mely mögött a teljes SZTE szolgáltatási környezete és eszközparkja áll. Osztályunkon biztosítjuk a műtét előtti vizsgálatok teljeskörű elvégzését a kivizsgálásoktól kezdve, az altatóorvosi konzultáción át, egészen a beavatkozáshoz szükséges diagnosztikai vizsgálatokig. A műtétet követően nálunk minden adott a gyors felépüléshez: elhivatott szakápolói csapat, gyógytornász, személyre szabott rehabilitáció, otthonos környezet.


Imaging diagnostics

We offer all the basic types of radiology (ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI) diagnostic tests, coupled with the interventions requiring special expertise. As the accuracy of imaging depends in large part on the quality of the equipment used and the experience of the specialists using it, our clinical background guarantees professional care.


Laboratory diagnostics

Our laboratory diagnostics background is provided by the University of Szeged Institute of Medical Microbiology, which not only fully covers the laboratory examinations related to healthcare services but is also a leader in microbiology and immunological research. This allows us to be among the first to offer our patients ground-breaking procedures and examinations based on the newest research, just as we did in regards to COVID-19.


Schedule an appointment in less than a minute!

We offer unparalleled expertise and a scientific background.

Make an appointment

You can use the following form if you have any additional questions.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get my own room?

All of our clinic offer the possibility of receiving rooms with 1 or 2 beds.

Please contact customer service with any questions or requests.

How and when can I receive information on the necessary payment and costs?

After you contact us, our customer service staff will provide you with a preliminary and a final quote.

The fee for the first consult is payable at the cash desk before your first examination.

Do I have to pay anything else if I have already paid the fee specified in the quote?

In most cases you won’t have to.

However, the preliminary quote provided for the clinical treatment is indicative and only contains an estimate.

If any unexpected costs are incurred during your treatment, you will be required to provide payment before you receive your final report.

Such additional costs may include special care you request during your hospital stay, a more expense implant, etc. Your treating physician will inform you of any such additional costs in advance.

Although we do everything we can to serve your treatment, complications may arise even in the case of the most diligent medical treatment (e.g. protracted recovery, wound infection, the need for additional surgery, etc.), which naturally does not lead to any additional costs for you.

How can I choose a physician?

You can let us know about your preference by email or phone, after which our customer service will set up an appointment for the earliest possible time with your preferred physician.

What should I do if I have private health insurance?

Please let our customer service staff know: you will be required to provide the name of your insurance provider or health insurance fund. The Mediversal Egészségügyi Szolgáltató Kft. Mediversal Egészségügyi Szolgáltató Kft. the necessary documents.

What should I do if I don’t know who to turn to with my complaint?

Send us an email with the details of your complaint and symptoms, and attach any medical records. Our customer service staff will then contact you shortly to refer you to the appropriate specialist clinic and doctor, and to set up an appointment.

Can I pay with a foreign currency or bank card?

Our rates are in HUF.

We naturally accept bank cards.