From the outset, the Szeged Traumatology Clinic has applied the most modern methods in patient care
MoreMake an appointmentAll variations of internal fixations are used to fix long hollow bones, with the conservative methods of the past having become outdated. The Clinic has developed standards and protocols to ensure that patients can be treated safely, which has helped contribute to reducing the number of complications. The Szeged Traumatology Clinic has paved the way for the treatment of adult and obstetric brachial plexus injuries, using more accurate diagnostic and various surgical methods. The reconstructive treatment of pelvic injuries is also widely acknowledged as one of the Clinic’s profiles. The Clinic’s traumatologists also perform the surgical treatment of spinal fractures. In addition to the tasks involved in traumatology, the Clinic is also at the forefront of all aspects of hand surgery. Over the course of the past ten years, harmonious cooperation and teamwork has been established with related professions in the care of accident victims and polytraumatised and complex trauma patients, which ensures the highest level of care for the seriously injured. The Clinic’s doctors and staff are able to provide a wide range of traumatology services in a quality competitive at the European level.
Available services:
Knee and hip joint care
Ankle and foot surgery care
- Pelvis injuries
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Treatment of knee injuries
- Knee and hip replacements
- Knee and hip TEP revision
- Arthroscopy (knee (meniscus)/shoulder)
- BTB plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- LCA plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- Corrective bone surgical procedures (e.g. Tomofix)
- Major bone replacement surgery
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Removal of soft tissue tumours (e.g. cysts, ganglions on leg)
- Bunion osteotomy
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- German
- Hand surgery and microsurgery
- Treatment of knee injuries
- Knee and hip replacements
- Knee and hip TEP revision
- Arthroscopy (knee (meniscus)/shoulder)
- BTB plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- LCA plastic surgery (anterior cruciate ligament plastic surgery)
- Corrective bone surgical procedures (e.g. Tomofix)
- Major bone replacement surgery
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Removal of soft tissue tumours (e.g. cysts, ganglions on leg)
- Bunion osteotomy
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Examination and treatment of musculoskeletal and joint diseases
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Shoulder arthroscopy
- Knee arthroscopy
- Collarbone surgery
- Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
- Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery
- Tennis elbow surgery
- Metal removal by anaesthesia
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Serbian
- Croatian
- German
- Radius (wrist) surgery
- Small hand surgical procedures (e.g. ganglion, cracking finger)
- Shoulder arthroscopy
- Collarbone surgery
- Cubital tunnel syndrome surgery
- Tennis elbow surgery
- Traumatology specialist care
- Arthroscopia
- Korrekciós csontműtétek
- Nagy csontegyesítő műtétek
- Térdprotézis
- Csípőprotézis
- Keresztszalag plasztika BTB
- Térd és csípő TEP revízió
- Fémeltávolítás altatásban (csavar eltávolítás)
- Fémeltávolítás altatásban (lemez eltávolítás)
- Lágyrésztumor eltávolítás helyi érzéstelenítésben
- Lágyrésztumor eltávolítás altatásban
- Saját vér terápia (PRP)
- Optivisc Single ízületi infiltráció (1 ízület)
- Optivisc Single ízületi infiltráció (2 ízület)
- Kortizon infiltráció
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- German
- English
- Perifériás idegek sérülései
- Plexus brachialis sebészete
- Fogásjavító eljárások
- Rheumás kéz sebészete
- Trauma utáni helyreállító műtétek
- Kéz kisízületi protézisek
- Tunnel szindrómák
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Perifériás idegek sérülései
- Plexus brachialis sebészete
- Fogásjavító eljárások
- Rheumás kéz sebészete
- Trauma utáni helyreállító műtétek
- Kéz kisízületi protézisek
- Tunnel szindrómák
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English
- Kezet és csuklót érintő panaszok kivizsgálása, diagnosztizálása, kezelése
- Sérülések után fennálló, a kéz funkcióját korlátozó problémák ellátása
- Traumatology specialist care
Language skills
- English